Palace of Care – Death of an Elder

Photo by The Good Funeral Guide on Unsplash

A mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother died. This news spread quickly around the world. Condolences were sent from many different countries. Nothing would ever be the same again for her family or their world. An end of an era. She had ruled for many decades and the whole household had to be on its best behaviour. Nothing would escape her notice despite the loss of major senses.

They were constantly reminded of where they had come from and who was responsible for their comfortable lives. She was ancient when her reign finally ended. There would be mixed emotions. Sadness would predominate but if everyone was being honest it would be twinged with some relief.

In her day she had been formidable, nothing could stop her from bending the will of others. The last years had become increasingly difficult. She required loyalty above all. Her body wouldn’t answer the mind’s questions anymore.

She caught COVID from her great-grandchild who had brought it home from a school camp. She survived it with no ill effect. If anything the virus seemed to sharpen her failing cognition.

Too many falls over the years but the last one was the worst. Concussion and almost death. She went into the local hospice and survived for several months after discharge.

We paid our respects with four generations of members gathered to say goodbye to her.

Rest in peace Matriarch.

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