Palace of Care – No Warning

Photo by specphotops on Unsplash

I’m very sorry for your loss. If I had known how little time she had left I would’ve told you. We operate on a ‘No Surprises’ policy. We want people to know what is going on as they might have important stuff they need to do. That’s why we kept on bringing up heading South. We were worried that time was becoming shorter, but we didn’t think it would be this short.

The Oncologist had said that with treatment she might live for two years, maybe five to ten years, and some people have lived for 20 years. It was a shock this morning when you told us she might only have weeks to months left to live. We cried together this afternoon, then we were both so tired and fell asleep. Dinner had come and she was still asleep. I tried to wake her up but her breathing was strange. It sounded like how my mother’s breathing sounded before she died. That’s when I panicked and called the nurses. They came in to see her and stopped the medication pumps. A few minutes later and she was gone.

I’m so sorry. We always try to warn people when the end is near, but sometimes we don’t get any warning. We were still trying to get her comfortable so that she could travel down South as soon as possible. I’m not sure exactly what caused her death. I think it was her cancer getting much worse. The medication side effects might have had something to do with it, but likely only a small part. The only way we can find out for sure is to arrange for an autopsy, that would tell us what happened. We can make a request if that is something you and the family would want.

No, we don’t want anything more to happen to her. We didn’t know the cancer was so strong.

Yes it was too aggressive. It caused too much pain and distress. It was too much for anyone to handle. She kept on fighting it but it was too much. No more suffering, she was exhausted.

Thank you for looking after her. She really loved it here. She trusted you guys.

I wish we could’ve done more for her. We wanted to get her back down South.

Palace of Care – Apology

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

“Ma’am if I had known that your husband would die within three days I wouldn’t have sent him anywhere. I would’ve kept him in hospice and looked after him. I’m sorry we decided to transfer him as we thought he still had weeks left to live.”

“It was hard to understand after all he’d done for hospice.”

“I am so sorry, I wish I could’ve known exactly how long he had left. We could only make the best decision we could with the information we had at the time.”

“We found a place for him and they admitted him into the hospital section. They didn’t have a bed for him, only a mattress on the floor. He went in on Friday, and he died on Monday, still on the floor. A horrible place. I’m not surprised they are not doing well.”

“I’m very sorry.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“He was a lovely man. During his first admission, I thanked him for what he had done for hospice.”

“He was the loveliest man. He wanted to help out our community.”

“He certainly did that. Thank you for your ongoing support over the many years.”