I think therefore I am? – No Sale

Photo by Alexander Cifuentes on Unsplash

Despite my best efforts sometimes people just aren’t interested in what I have to sell. I am trying to work in the best interests of the patient. I want to make them as comfortable as possible. If there is pain I want to alleviate it as much as possible. If there is breathlessness I want to do something about it. Untreated distress in a patient will lead to distress in their family members. Similar to the care philosophy in Paediatrics, in Palliative Care practice you need to consider the patient, and their loved ones as the unit of care.

The duty of care is to the patient above all but consideration for their loved ones is essential. They will be the ones who will survive this episode of care. Reduction of their distress needs to be considered secondary to reduction of patient distress. Most of the time we will all be on the same page. The patient wants their distressing symptom relieved, as do their loved ones, as do the clinicians. Everyone is in agreement and things are relatively simple.

This is not always the case though. At times I identify suffering in a patient and I will recommend a course of treatment. All treatments will have side effects, with a lot of the medications we use sleepiness is a common side effect. The patient may not want to feel sleepy and will try to put up with the distressing symptom themselves. Or their family will want them to be as alert as possible, which may come at the cost of comfort.

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