Palace of Care – I’m in charge now

Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

She had become sleepier over the course of the week. She would still rouse to voice at times. Her eyes would open for a few seconds and then close again. A few days ago she was still talking but her voice became weaker as the days passed. It was becoming harder to understand her and then she stopped talking.

She had been unresponsive two days ago and would only make occasional sounds when being washed or turned in bed. This is what happens as a person dies, they become less able to communicate. She had gone into a coma.

We encourage people to say what they need to their unconscious loved ones.

“They can hear you and understand you. They will try and respond but may not be able to do so anymore. Tell them what you need to.”

The nurse was talking to the husband about who the patient had wanted around.

“She wanted her friend to come and visit.”

“I think she is too unwell now, I don’t think she should come over.”

“But she specifically had asked for her to come.”

“Doesn’t matter. I’m in charge now.”

Immediately from the bed came two sharp coughs.

A phone call was then made and the friend visited later in the morning.